The Daily Grind Video

It’s a sad truth but it seems like there’s more cheating men these days than those good, honest, take you home to my mama type dudes. Yes, I blame this on the male species for thinking with the wrong head a lot of the time, but I also say that some of the blame needs to go to the women who make themselves way too available.

I have firsthand experience with some women who have no loyalty to their own sex, let alone any respect for themselves. If I meet a guy who has a girlfriend, I don’t care how good-looking he is or how much money he might make, I’m not going to pursue him. If I do pursue him, I would turn into the home wrecker-the girl this guy is cheating on his girlfriend with. Why would I want to be that girl? If he’s cheating on his girlfriend with me then it would only make sense that he would cheat on me if things happened to go any further.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but I don’t understand being OK with allowing a guy to cheat on his girl with me. Regardless, this guy will probably cheat anyway, but I wouldn’t feel right about him doing it with me, I’ll leave the dirty work to the girls that are in fact “dirty.”

Sadly, cheating is on a whole other level these days. Cheating can become strategic, purchasing different cell phones, creating secret e-mail addresses in hopes that your woman-or man won’t catch you. Yes, I do know some women cheat but I’ll save that for another blog.




What is with this whole “side chick” thing? Has there really been a term created based on the fact that men cheat so much that this girl gets her own title? “Side chick” sounds nothing less than second rate AND pathetic. How are there actually girls that settle for being this? I know some girls are side chicks and don’t realize until months down the road that this is all they’ve been, but I’m talking about the girls who are aware that this is all they are and are totally OK with it.

These girls do exist, and there’s not just one or two out there, there’s a whole society of them. What happened to having morals and standards, setting goals for yourself?

This isn’t the business world, “side chicks” don’t get promoted to the “main chick” when they show hard work, effort and dedication. If a guy sees that he can treat you as second best and you’re accepting of it, he won’t ever show you more respect than he needs to.

Maybe being classified this way doesn’t bother you, and in that case good for you. I’m just confused as to how this has become such a normalcy in the world of dating and relationships over time. What ever happened to honesty and trust? What about women who are hardworking, educated and care about the way they portray themselves? I pray that the era of the side chick is not on the rise.

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