The Daily Grind Video

Psychic Zya hooked us up with another week’s worth of horoscopes!

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

Check out her overview for the week and keep reading for your sun or rising sign forecast!


It’s safe to say the New Year has started off with a bang across the board especially here in the USA! And frankly expect more crazy revelations along with a collective grand awakening of spiritual consciousness.

That said, this week we have a triple Capricorn planetary placement: while the Sun is currently transiting the Great Goat, a New Moon in Cappy on the 11th and Mercury joining the Cap train on the 13th completes the trifecta.

This means that we can literally knock out goals of all shapes and sizes as well as shift our financial realities rapidly.

This is a great placement to have at the beginning of the year – especially if you’re motivated enough to make things happen.

Take note that you’ll have to work to not be so cold and emotionless – core Cappy traits.

It’s best to balance drive with intuition and taking soft moments to pause, reflect and listen to the other person’s POV.

Alrighty, lets see what’s in store for you this week.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

CAPRICORN: This week you’ll have three major planets in your sign – the Sun, Mercury and a New Moon. Which is great for hitting the ground running on long and short term goals, new fitness programs and more. But it’s horrible for not getting stuck in our ways, dead end communications and coming across as unfeeling to those who may be more deeply emotional. So Cappys work to balance your hardcorness with soft notes of open communication, laughter and proper-good snuggles with furry friends and friendly humans alike. Mmmkay?

RED FLAGS: Triple check all auto-payment bills – it looks as though you’re being overcharged on a few things.

SWEET SPOT: If you’re newly single, don’t stress it- update your winter wardrobe and head to your fave hobnobs or get your summer revenge body ready NOW.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

AQUARIUS: If you’ve been feeling out of sorts or emotionally displaced, don’t fret it simply means that your personal energetics are re-aligning to your next divine purpose. This time is best spent going within via meditation, journaling and long walks on your fave city blocks- take a moment to really think about your growth and where you still have room to grow.

RED FLAGS: A deep clean of your home will do your emotions a ton of good – start with watering your plants and dusting your windowsills.

SWEET SPOT: Indulging in your fave sweets is fine- just don’t compound it with alcohol and a lack of working out.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

PISCES: Self-sabotage wants to rear it’s ugly head this week. The key to beating this monster off of ya is taking time to notice your triggers- but without judgement. Look for signs of jealousy, envy, shame, sadness, feelings of rejection and abandonment. People are gonna people so it’s important to recognize when someone is triggering you badly but also being an adult and learning to emotionally regulate yourself (I love the Crappy Childhood Fairy on YouTube) to help with regulation.

RED FLAGS: Don’t lend money, books or clothes that you can’t afford to lose. You’ll see why this is important in the coming weeks.

SWEET SPOT: Change up or get a new signature scent this week. You’ll be amazed at the good vibes it brings – inside and out.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

ARIES: Brace yourself! All signs point to a strong possibility of meeting a very attractive new person this week/in the coming weeks. Whoa! The chemistry will be insane and I think this is because you know this person from a previous life (aka past life). Take a moment and get acquainted with your attachment style if you’ve not by reading the book: Attached The New Science of Adult Attachment by Amir Levine and be sure to throttle any “crazy horomones” before deep diving all the way in.

RED FLAGS: From the note above, if you’re already in a relationship – think long and hard before stepping out to catch this new “vibe” that may show up – chemistry doesn’t always signal long term compatibility.

SWEET SPOT: Add some Florida Water to your mop bucket this week and see how much the vibes change in your home.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

TAURUS: Your personal energetic and emotional freedom can be found in speaking up in a timely fashion this week – especially on the job front- if something is off – then it is off. Very few can read your mind – so you gotta let that throat chakra breathe lol.

RED FLAGS: There may be some lies told by a family member this week to get you on their side. Don’t jump immediately to their rescue – listen to all sides and your intuition. You know how they get down- don’t be played and forced into a messy middle that has nothing to do with you.

SWEET SPOT: That lovely piece of furniture you’ve been eyeing is now ready to be owned by you…treat yourself!

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

GEMINI: Joy and miracles can be found on the daily if we know how to recognize them and look for them. So this week – look for them! Seek what makes you smile, stop and embrace gratitude. Wake up daily with a gratitude list before jumping out of bed and snatching up your phone- trust me -this really kicks your day off to a great start.

RED FLAGS: Don’t say “yes” to helping someone with a project or task that you really don’t want to do. Instead see if you can pay your way – maybe they don’t need help packing maybe they just need you to pay for them to get someone to help them pack; as an example.

SWEET SPOT: If you know you’re not a gym person but desperately need to get in shape then invest in a trainer. It does make a difference. Cost plus accountability really makes a huge difference.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

CANCER: Anxiety around having enough may come up for you this week – the best way to combat this is with deep breathing and strategic financial planning -even if this means calling your credit card company and asking for deferred payments. Don’t stress it will all smooth out by the Spring.

RED FLAGS: For those of you who are a wounded healer – you’ll be challenged to put yourself and your needs ahead of the pack this week. Plan accordingly.

SWEET SPOT: For singles, a fearless Love is on the horizon. Are you clear on how you wish to be loved and give love? If not spend sometime under the New Moon journaling your thoughts on this.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

LEO: Brace yourself! Some shameful secrets are up for revelation this week and while they won’t quite be “Katt Williams” style tea-tea – you’ll still be shocked and possibly lose respect for someone you previously deeply admired. Note this could be in your friend group, co-workers or family. Lawd.

RED FLAGS: Are you pouring into the same people that pour into you? Don’t ask yourself- ask them: “How can I support you more at this time?” And give them a few beats to respond we don’t always know what we need when asked.

SWEET SPOT: Take up a new culinary skill this week. It will bring you joy and make you quite proud of your kitchen prowess.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

VIRGO: Leveling up brings Virgos ultimate pleasure and this Capricorn triple energy will really work to your benefit. Start with mid-term financial goals and go from there. Get ready to be super proud of your progress by summer on whichever undertaking you choose to plant seeds into at this time.

RED FLAGS: Under promise and over deliver on the work front this week.Trust Spirit you’re still coming back from your holiday lazy vibes.

SWEET SPOT: Many of you are stepping into your psychic abilities over the coming weeks. Make the landing of this soft by grabbing The Intuition Guidebook by Cyndi Dale.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

LIBRA: Your ancestors want to impart divine lineage gifts to you in the New Year. Spirit is suggesting getting a reading with a medium or learning to tap in by opening your third eye chakra and setting up an ancestor altar.

RED FLAGS: A spiritual cleansing is needed in your home at this time especially if you’ve been hosting a lot of people over the holidays. Hit your floors with Florida Water and a salt sweep and sage the rest of your home.

SWEET SPOT: Good juju is on its way to you for well planted karma chips over the past few years. Get into it and congrats!

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

SCORPIO: This New Moon in Capricorn is gonna motivate many of you like never before! Ride this wave of motivation and seek out a new housing situation (home ownership is available this year) as well as look to improve your career outlook by adding on new skillsets and updating your resume and LinkedIn profiles.

RED FLAGS: Spirit continues to give you all a specific heads up about an incoming rapid spiritual awakening – this will be happening collectively – but you all are naturally spiritually tapped in so it will be a bit more dramatic. Find a psychic development teacher and check out Cyndi Dale’s collection of reads.

SWEET SPOT: Surrender to those long held creative dreams- now is the time. You don’t have to drop your day job but do pick up that pen/paintbrush/drum stick etc.

Bossip Horoscopes

Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

SAGITTARIUS: Ignoring your intuition this week may lead to a deep betrayal first by someone else and then ultimately yourself. Self-betrayal is thee literal worst. If it’s off- then it’s off – best to have hard conversations now then harder circumstances later. Chop! Chop!

RED FLAGS: Check what’s driving your desires – is it ego? Love? Childhood wounds? Deeply tapping into the under pinnings of your emotions will take you further this year than ever before.

SWEET SPOT: Worthiness will be a reoccurring theme for you this week – don’t shy away from this. Go deep into your feelings in this arena because at the bottom of the awkwardness is soul-deep healing.