Face it, 2012 was kind of an epic year for music. Kanye and Jay stayed on top of the throne, but left plenty of room for newcomers like Trinidad Jame$ and Chicago native Chief Keef to dominate the airwaves with a fresh twist on hip-hop. Just about every site, including us, has done the deed […]

Hey guys! Can you believe it’s officially Fall already? If you’re like me, you’re already going through your wardrobe to figure out which of your favorite pieces you can transition for fall and which ones you need to put away for next year. To help with your transition, here are some essential items for fall […]

After a horrifying airplane accident in 2008, Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker is still coping with the tragic aftermath. PHOTOS: Rock Star Dad! Travis Barker Spends Time With The Kids After Emergency Surgery The 36-year-old father of two, who has been completely sober for the past three months, reveals that he was on 19 bipolar meds […]

DJ Khaled is known for putting out some great hip-hop bangers and it’s no different with his newest hitmaker-filled song, “Legendary.” “Legendary” is the next single off of his upcoming album, We the Best Forever, out this month on July 19th. The track features Chris Brown, Keyshia Cole and NeYo singing together while delivering some […]


VIA CNN Shirley Sherrod said Tuesday that she has enjoyed her work at the U.S. Department of Agriculture and ‘would want to see that work continue.’ But she add, ‘I just don’t think at this point with all that has happened’ that it is possible to continue working at the department. ‘It doesn’t mean I’m […]


VIA HUFFPOST Shirley Sherrod, the Agriculture Department employee forced to resign after an edited video clip gave the false impression that she had discriminated against a white farmer, is coming to Washington next week to meet with USDA officials to discuss the job they offered her in the wake of the scandal. Sherrod, who has […]


It really doesn’t matter how many speeches President Obama makes on race. The truth is people always look at things in black and white; it’s crazy because this RACE thing has been going on for so long that it’s beaten into us from a young age whether it is voluntary or involuntary. In the case […]


I am disgusted by the treatment of an unsung American heroine, Shirley Sherrod, at the hands of Fox News and Breitbart.com, a far right web site.  This woman, who has helped countless farmers keep their land, was accused by Fox News of racism based on manipulative editing of a tape of a speech she gave […]


Alvin Greene isn’t the greatest orator, but he gave it  shot on Monday when he gave his first speech to the NAACP on Sunday. South Carolina’s surprising U.S. Senate candidate Alvin Greene spoke for about 6 1/2 minutes and focused on 3 major goals for South Carolina: jobs, justice, and education. Greene’s first speech was […]


Even Bristol is Afraid of Sarah Palin‘s repugnance.  Palin’s daughter Bristol announced her engagement through the media intead of speaking to her mother directly.  In the current issue of US Weekly, Bristol and Levi Johnston open up about why they hid the engagement from venomous Sarah, the mother-in-law-to-be who has once called the infant son Trig […]


Sorry, but unless Smokey from “Friday” has taken over the head post of the California NAACP, there is no way the organization should confuse civil rights with legalizing marijuana. All that is wrong with Black America’s current leadership today can be summarized in one way or another with the NAACP’s support of legalizing marijuana in […]


Van Jones, once a ‘green jobs’ adviser to Barack Obama, was back on the scene for the yearly NAACP image awards on Friday night, while accepting his President’s award he had a few heart felt words for the man who some believe is the reason for him resigning from his White House position, Glenn Beck. […]