Remember when legendary director Spike Lee tweeted out the address where he thought George Zimmerman lived in response to Trayvon Martin’s death? Well, the Sanford, FL couple who actually lived in the home is now suing him for falsely claiming that their address was where Zimmerman resided. According to the Orlando Sentinel: After Lee disseminated […]

In the wake of Trayvon Martin’s death and George Zimmerman’s acquittal, the city of Sanford, Florida announced that they would prohibit Neighborhood Watch volunteers from carrying guns. Now, police Chief Cecil Smith is softening his stance, saying that officers are strongly discouraging it, not banning them. “We’re recommending that no one is armed,” police Chief […]

The juror who came forward to admit she believed George Zimmerman was guilty of murdering Trayvon Martin is speaking out again. The mother of six and the only minority to serve on the all female jury (also known at B29 or “Maddy”) told Inside Edition that her entire life has fallen apart since the high-profile […]

Talk about the ultimate subliminal. New pictures of a gunshot-riddled target pinned to a wall in the home George Zimmerman previously shared with Shellie Zimmerman have emerged and are raising the question: What sort of message was George trying to send his estranged wife? The target was discovered by Shellie in their Lake Mary, Florida […]

The Zimmermans are in the news again, and this time it’s Shellie that’s the center of attention. The estranged wife of George Zimmerman reportedly broke her left foot on the same day he celebrated his 30th birthday. “She had been preparing to go out for the night when she lunged to help her grandmother, who’d […]

The Florida mothers of two unarmed teens killed last year gave moving testimony on Tuesday at a Senate panel that reviewed “Stand Your Ground” laws in different states. Sybrina Fulton, mother of Trayvon Martin, was brought to tears at the panel, as she described the night her son was killed by neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman. […]


This weekend, we were all taken aback by a photograph of a Halloween party where two men dressed up as a dead Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. The outrage was tremendous, especially because the Facebook comments on the original photo seemed to suggest that those around the two offensive men didn’t see anything wrong with […]

What is this world that we live in?! Last night multiple people sent this photo into us as it emerged on social media, portraying one young man dressed in black face as Trayvon Martin while another depicted George Zimmerman with a shirt that reads “Neighborhoo Watchman,” yes missing the “d” at the end. With bullet […]

The verdict is in. George Zimmerman will face no criminal charges in the September domestic dispute with his estranged wife, Shellie, according to a police spokesman in Sanford, Florida. The incident occurred just days after Shellie Zimmerman filed for divorce. Although Zimmerman assaulted Shellie’s father, was allegedly carrying a firearm (which has been disputed), threatened […]

  So this totally happened. On Wednesday night, the controversial animation show South Park took on two very controversial subjects — George Zimmerman and the Stand Your Ground law. In a bizarre mash-up of Brad Pitt’s World War Z and the shocking acquittal of the former neighborhood watchman, the show was a journey through Cartman’s dream […]

A change is finally coming. Thanks to petitions, protests and sit-ins staged at the governor’s office by the Dream Defenders, the controversial and dangerous “Stand Your Ground” law is about to get a makeover. On Tuesday, state lawmakers began the task of considering modifications to the law, which offers wide discretion in the use of deadly […]

At a high school in Pittsburgh, not everyone is thrilled students decided to create a day during homecoming week based on activism instead of crazy clothes. Bypassing the traditional mix-match day or twin day, the homecoming committee at Carrick High School approved a plan to have a Trayvon Martin theme day in honor of the […]