The Daily Grind Video

I don’t even know where to begin on this subject. As a white female who dates men of all races, I have heard this often—“you’re stealing our men.” I’ve seen that look of disgust on some black women’s faces when they see me walking hand-in-hand with one of “their own.” But the truth is I don’t understand this whole feeling of ownership. Is a person really a traitor if they decide to date outside of their race? I am not writing this for negativity, I’m simply expressing my opinion. Not only do I NOT think interracial dating is wrong, I promote it.

After reading Jill Scott’s blog for Essence I was disappointed to hear someone with her level of success, talent and knowledge could feel this way. I understand this is a sensitive subject as most racial, religious, political and sexual conversations are. In this respect I think Jill Scott handled the subject as best as she could. It is hard to discuss this topic without someone getting offended. She made her opinion clear while making sure to explain herself as to not be misunderstood as some type of racist-which I don’t think she is.

Her point was made well enough so that someone like me, who does not agree could understand where she is coming from. The truth is I really do understand where she is coming from although I don’t agree with it. I respect her opinion as it’s expected and understandable because it’s not the first time I’ve ever come across someone who feels this way. It just makes me sad.


All interracial couples have the most beautiful children and I think this says something. Why can’t we rise above the hate? It’s 2010-our president is the product of an interracial couple, so are we really still struggling to accept interracial dating? It all comes down to a difference of opinion. The way we were raised, experiences we’ve had, etc. It doesn’t make one opinion better than another-it just proves the point ‘to each his own.’

Whether a person is black, white, Asian, Spanish, Native American, purple, striped-you get the point, I don’t think it should matter. I think we should look at it as if a person is open enough to become a part of an interracial relationship, then more power to them. To me it’s worse if people aren’t open to the idea of different races mixing together-we all want to be treated equally, so how is looking down upon people who see everyone as the same making things any better? I think if people want to date outside their race, that’s their own choice-who are we to judge?

What I am curious to know is if there are people who find it wrong for white women to date successful black men, do they also feel it is wrong for black women to date successful white men? This isn’t as common but of course it still exists and as a white woman I don’t see why this would ever be an issue for me. I feel comfort in seeing different types of people mixing together. I don’t feel betrayed by my own when I see a white man date someone other than a white woman. I think it’s beautiful-finding a common ground wi