The Daily Grind Video

Yesterday, Paul Ryan made a campaign stop in Florida and he brought out his mother as a special guest.

The Vice Presidential candidate brought out the woman who raised him, Betty Ryan Douglas, in order to convince retirees that his medicare plan was a smart one.

The 78-year-old mother was right by Paul’s side to lend some support to her son while he pleaded his campaign to 3,000 senior citizens.

LIST: Close Your Legs! Paul Ryan’s War On Woman

Paul gave a 20-minute speech about Medicare that he said was “a promise that must be kept” for those who are retired.

He also included some stories about his family’s experience with the government’s health insurance program to lighten the crowd.

Ryan also told the audience:

“Like a lot of Americans, when I think about Medicare, it’s not just a program. It’s not just a bunch of numbers. It’s what my mom relies on. It’s what my grandma had.”

VIDEO: It’s Go Time! Paul Ryan Heckled During Solo Campaign Stop In Iowa

He didn’t hesitate to criticize President Obama’s current health care plan while he was pitching his own. Paul accused the president of “raiding” the trust fund of the program.

Do you guys think Paul Ryan was being professional by bringing out his mother to convince the senior citizens of the plan?

Photo credit: Getty Images