
Every president has contributed a nice bundle of quotes that have influenced us as a nation. From inspirational to maddening to even hilarious. However President Barack Obama clearly has been one of the most influential presidents we’ve had in a while. The fact that his influence has not only flooded America, but more importantly American […]

The 2008 Barack Obama campaign marked the first time that I felt vehemently compelled to work on behalf of any political candidate. My sister, Anastasia Ali and I traveled to colleges, rallyies and community centers across the country helping to register voters. In Philly a group of us, including actor Mechad Brooks, even registered voters […]

I spend a good amount of time talking with the youth.. At colleges, high schools, Boys n Girls Club Community Programs, and unfortunately at detention centers around the U.S. [pagebreak] Because of this I’m looking forward to Obama’s speech this evening addressing the issues they are facing and hearing what his vision is for their […]


It’s time to play Caption This! The rules are simple. We present you with a picture and you come up with a creative caption for a chance to be featured here. Today’s picture is a snapshot of President Obama hanging out with some children (don’t ask us who they are). We asked our Facebook friends […]


In 2008 not only did young voters come out in records numbers for President Obama but he also found support from Diddy, Mary J. Blige,  Beyonce and Jay-Z. Jay-Z is continuing to encourage young Americans to continue their voting participation by using a public service announcement to ensure the young population makes it out to […]


President Obama and his administration was ordered to stop DADT discharges immediately. On the side of progress we are sure President Obama will comply with the Judges orders and not pander to the right. President Obama said in his Rolling Stone interview that he plans on ending ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’. This is one the monumental moments […]


President Barack Obamawas at a rally over the weekend in Philadelphia on Sunday. It seems someone wasn’t feeling Obama’s message and decided to throw a book at the Pres right after he finished speaking. Luckily the book didn’t hit the Prez and he left the stage, at the same rally, a naked dude wanted to […]

With all the major television networks debuting their fall lineups, we were thinking here at Global Grind about our favorite sitcoms of yester year and what they would be like if they were re-made in 2010. The shows we list are classics that certainly cannot be replaced but it’s fun to think what modern stars […]

Yesterday, we talked about the most powerful women in the industry. Today, we want to tackle the other half of the population. The media is filled with successful, wealthy, and talented people and here at Global Grind we decided to list who we feel are the Most Powerful Men among them. These men have separated […]

Michelle Obama has just been crowned the most powerful woman in the world. You think being married to the leader of the free world has something to do with it? Congrats to the First Lady, Michelle Obama. Forbes recognized that the first lady’s power far exceeded Oprah, Beyonce and Lady Gaga, who also fill out […]


Say it so! Will Barack Obama and Joe Biden be parting ways come 2012? It seems that rumorville in Washington is speculating that Joe Biden will step down and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will step up to the number #2 spot.  So peep the scenario, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary […]


President Barack Obama was speaking at the Fortune Magazine’s Most Powerful Women Summits. Now usually they don’t allow men to speak at their conferences but not only did the Prez get a pass but as CEO of TIME Inc Ann Moore, puts it, President Barack Obama had ‘earned this podium’ on Tuesday, considering his Cabinet and Supreme […]